AI for Health Summit 2022


Virginie Dominguez

Executive Vice President Digital, Data and Information Systems



Virginie Dominguez joined Servier in 2020 as Chief Digital Officer, before she was appointed to the Executive Committee in 2021 as Executive Vice President Digital, Data and Information Systems. She has been tasked with implementing and steering the digital transformation at Servier to enable the Group to become a Digital Performer by 2025. Virginie Dominguez boasts 20 years’ experience in digital technology, primarily in the Orange group where she held various positions of responsibility between 2003 and 2019. In particular, while at Orange France, she brought about the digital transformation of retail customer relations and oversaw a vast “widespread agility” transformation program involving several thousand employees. Virginie Dominguez graduated from the École polytechnique, France, and earned a degree in engineering from the École Ponts et Chaussées.

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